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What kinds of services does VentureBlick Consulting provide?

VentureBlick Consulting’s offerings

VentureBlick Consulting’s range of services fall broadly under three pillars: general business consulting within the healthcare space, medical advisory services, and branding/marketing work. Solutions are customised for clients on a project-to-project basis, depending on their specific needs. Possible ones include developing go-to-market strategies for a startup that’s working to commercialise its product, providing medical validation of possible investment targets for a government agency, and executing a complete branding revamp for an SME.

The VentureBlick Super Incubator is an end-to-end incubator and accelerator programme that helps early-stage medtech startups to build, test, and commercialise their innovations. To support this programme, VentureBlick also runs the VentureBlick Super Fund, a US$15 million venture fund that narrowly invests into the startups under the Super Incubator. Investments are staggered, and follow-on investments into startups are contingent on each one’s performance.

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